All posts by fairclean

Vacuums – One For Every Need

Although vacuums have been around since the turn of the last century, it took a little while for every household to have one. However, once electricity became popular and was finally added to almost every home, housewives ran out to buy one of these new modern marvels. Looking at these earlier models in museums make it apparent that there really isn’t that much difference between then and now.
New ones are stronger, and of course they are aesthetically more pleasing, albeit in some cases that might even be questionable after seeing some newer models that come with all sorts of bells and whistles literally sticking out all over. One major innovation was the replacement of the old disposable bags with HEPA filters that are supposed to be more desirable, however, there are many who disagree with the logic for these HEPA filters since once they are opened to empty out, all the dirt and dust are then exposed to the air, negating the original purpose.
Rechargeable hand held models became popular in the 70s. They were made to hang on a wall in the kitchen and were always nearby for quick cleanups. They had about 15 minutes of use at full power, and when replaced in their charging units they could recharge completely in about the same time.
The original carpet sweeper had a major design rehab soon after when electricity was added. The original models were made for quick cleaning on hard floors but models that could handle a variety of carpet thicknesses were developed almost immediately. These designs were tall and sleek and very lightweight, making them almost a mandatory addition for every housewife. Not necessarily ready to replace the normal household vacuum, they were the perfect companion for every type of flooring need.
A popular choice that has been around since almost the beginning is the canister model. These are smaller, easier to move about, very light as compared to the typical upright models, and are the perfect choice for homes with staircases. The long hoses lend themselves to making any cleaning job easier because of the variety of available attachments to do just about any possible job from floor to walls to furniture and even windows and tight corners.
Lately, models that handle pet fur seem to be the popular choice for anyone who has pets. Pet fur needs special attention because it can become ingrained in carpeting and the fabric of furniture. Models that handle pet fur tend to be very strong when it comes to suction, and much larger than a regular machine. There are special attachments that help get the fur and dander out of just about anything from your favorite easy chair to your wall to wall carpeting.
The newer cordless models are much more powerful than their earlier predecessors and many more styles are available to suit just about any need. Uprights can convert to hand held and some can even handle carpeting of any depth. Certain styles need to be plugged in in order to be recharged, and others need their battery packs recharged in order to use. Both are equally as powerful.

Tips For Shopping Greener

* No more plastic bags – or at least use fewer. Use your own reusable bags for carrying your shopping. Admittedly, the plastic shopping bags are useful for wrapping nasty rubbish, so maybe you can still have a few for this purpose. Or reuse the ones you have stashed away somewhere (or that you see blowing in the wind). If you haven’t got around to getting reusable carry bags, (a) get around to it immediately with no more excuses (b) recycle any plastic bags you get given, (c) opt for paper bags or cardboard boxes if you have the option.
* If you only need a few things and the shops aren’t that far away, then walk or bike. Take a back-pack to carry your odds and ends if you bike! If you walk and have a child in a pram or pushchair, you will discover that pushchairs have quite a bit of carrying capacity.
* Alternatively, only shop once a week rather than just popping down to the shops whenever you run out of loo paper or coffee.A� This will require planning and writing a shopping list.A� Shopping once a week is also good financial sense. It is only human to succumb to temptation and throw in a few extras, so shopping once a week reduces the occurrence of this to once a week.
* Buy in bulk. This means that you have less packaging to deal with. And it’s usually cheaper. This doesn’t always mean buying the king-sized packs. Sometimes, visiting the bulk-buy bins is all that’s needed (sneaky tip – save and reuse ziplock bags each time you visit, if you can!). You can also club together with other people vegetable co-op style to bulk buy staples like salt and flour at wholesale prices from the factory.
* Don’t nip from supermarket to supermarket to get the specials from each one, as this means you’re using more petrol per shopping trip. Do your homework and find the one that offers the lowest all-round prices. However, you will have to balance this against distance travelled – no point travelling for an hour just because the carrots are 50p cheaper per kilo at Supermarket X.
* Buy things in recyclable containers where possible. Tins are recyclable, and so are containers made from more robust plastic (e.g. ice cream containers, PET bottles, yoghurt bottles). And buy things with as little packaging as possible to reduce waste.A� Excess and unnecessary packaging shoved on by the store is one of the biggest nuisances of modern supermarkets. Resist the temptation to return all the unwanted packaging to the store, even if it gets you mad… hang on a minute; that sounds like a good option for a protest campaign!
* Buy locally grown produce that’s in season. This, like many other of the green shopping tips, is also cheaper.
* Put your money where your mouth is, as much as possible, when it comes to issues like free-range vs. cage eggs, or free-range vs. battery farmed pork.

Healthier Alternatives To Commercial Cleaning Products

Product: Antibacterials
Used for: Disinfecting everything you can think of, ranging from kids’ toys to toilets.
Nasty inside: Tricoslan, an endocrine (hormone) disrupter that doesn’t break down easily (it kills bacteria and bacteria are often the agents of biodegrading). Excessive use of potent chemical disinfectants to sterilise everything in the home is probably associated with asthma and other autoimmune problems, as an over-clean home leads to a bored, restless immune system that starts reacting to non-threats.
Natural cleaning alternative: Soap and water will do most of the cleaning and kill most of the germs you need to worry about. Vinegar, salt, ultraviolet light (sunshine), boiling water and strong alcohol are other natural disinfectants.
Product: Detergents
Used for: Nearly every sort of cleaner imaginable, mostly because it can work up a grease and grime busting lather in all sorts of water – even hard water – without getting gunky white scum all over everything.
Nasty inside: Phosphate. This is more of a nuisance in the water system, as it breaks down very slowly and allows too much algae to grow in the waterways, leading to environmental problems. Also, detergent in general is harsher on the skin and hair, leading to dry hair (the least of your problems) and cracking, flaking itchy skin.
Natural cleaning alternative: Soap won’t form that ghastly scum if it is used alongside a water softener such as washing soda. Alternatively, look out for reduced phosphate or phosphate-free cleaning products such as laundry powder.
Product: Synthetic fragrances
Used for: Air fresheners. Also used in a range of other cleaning products such as those spray on kitchen cleaners and bathroom cleaners because the active ingredients in these products pong. Baby products. Cheap perfumes and cosmetics.
Nasty inside: Toluene, which is a probable asthma and allergy trigger. Synthetic musk, which does all sorts of peculiar things to the hormones if you are exposed to too much of it.
Natural cleaning alternative: Make your own natural cleaners and add essential oils. Open windows to remove pongs. Use essential oils, pot pourri and fresh flowers to scent the air delicately. Don’t overuse perfume – just a few dabs on the pulse points will be adequate.
Product: Solvents
Used for: Dry cleaning fluid, spot cleaning treatments. Found in all sorts of common household products.
Nasty inside: This really depends on the solvent in question. There are half a dozen different types (or more) and each has its problems. The chlorinated ones are the worst – one of these can cause permanent brain damage if too much is inhaled.
Natural cleaning alternative: Oddly, mineral turpentine – which isn’t exactly natural – is one of the least harmful solvent. Strong alcohol also makes a decent solvent for everyday household cleaning. Don’t dry clean clothes or toys unless it is absolutely essential. Eucalyptus oil makes a good spot treatment.
Product: Ammonium compounds
Used for: Floor cleaners, glass cleaners and bathroom cleaners.
Nasty inside: Ammonia gas in itself is pretty awful if inhaled. It is positively lethal if mixed with chlorine. Avoid if you have chlorinated water and never mix ammonia-based cleaners with chlorine based cleaners. However, ammonia breaks down easily and doesn’t last long in the environment.
Natural cleaning alternative: For window cleaning, use dilute vinegar. For cleaning floors, use warm soapy water. For cleaning the bathroom, either use baking soda or use vinegar. If you have to use ammonia based products, make sure that the area you are cleaning is well ventilated.

Having it Your Way With Kids and Chores

One of the most common things you’re going to fight about with your child is the topic of chores. You probably find yourself asking them if they have done their chores only to get talked back at saying that they’ll do it later on. The reason behind their disgruntlement towards being told to do chores is because most of them find it boring and tiresome. With all of the means of entertainment available nowadays such as computers and video games, most children do not want to spend their time doing chores that they usually see their parents do for them.
There are many ways to get your children to do chores, but two main approaches. The first is the serious and punishment-laden approach for when nothing else will work, and the happy and rewarding approach for when your children are willing to do chores if you give them a bit of an incentive.
First, we’ll talk about the serious approach. Before you and your child get into another argument, you have to set your foot down and explain to them why they must do chores. Sit them down and ask them about why they don’t like to do chores, and try to tell them why they need to do them. If your child needs to be punished, you can try to time their chores. For example, give them 30 minutes to finish a certain chore or their bedtime will be made earlier by 30 minutes. You can turn this into an incentive though, by telling them that if they do it within the given time, then they’ll get a later bedtime.
Punishments for not doing chores should only be given as a last resort though. So you should try giving them an incentive instead. For example, you can give them an allowance or pay-by-the-task if they do their chores. If they don’t do their chores, then they don’t get as much allowance. This can apply to certain chores. Not everything they do around the house should be done for pay.
If you have young children, then a great way to get them to help out with chores is by making it fun. Young kids love feather dusters since they’re soft so you can give them the duty to dust things. Spraying and wiping is also fun for children, so they can do windows or tables. You can even make chores like a game. For example, folding clothes quickly and neatly or matching socks can be fun. Put on some fun music.
When children need to clean up their room, then you can hide sweets or a quarter in the room for them to have after they find it when cleaning up. You can role play when cleaning up to by playing maids and butlers or handymen. You can pretend to be the toys and talk to your child as the toys while they are being picked up.
Making children do chores doesn’t have to be so hard. All you need to do is use the appropriate approach for your children. Soon enough, they’ll be able to do their chores without groaning or griping, and both you and your children will be happy. Remember to appreciate their work all the time as well, so that they will feel like they’re really helping out. It can also be helpful if parents work at household chores at the same time their children do, so they are set the right example with the right attitude.

How to Use Home Products for Cleaning

There are many ways that you can use home cleaning products that you can find right in your home to clean up. Often times the store bought products are more effective but sometimes you can get away with using a homemade concoction.
But in order to try this out you need to know what you are doing and which products might be effective. So we will try to provide a few tips for using products that you have at home to clean.
Keep in mind that you may have to go and get the real goods but it generally can’t hurt to at least try an alternative method. If you do then you might find that you can get away with using the stuff you already have available to you.
White vinegar is a great product that can be used in many different manners to clean a number of different surfaces. So try to always have some available and use it to clean floors and surfaces like cabinets and desks and countertops.
Baking soda is also really helpful and not just to leave in the refrigerator or freezer for fresher foods but also to use for unclogging drains. If you put some down the drain and let it sit for a half an hour, when you let the water go down the drain it usually helps to unclog it very well.
Hydrogen peroxide is another great one that you can use on any number of surfaces. The only thing about this one is that you will want to limit usage to white surfaces like the bathtub or the sink or similar white surfaces.
When it comes to the kitchen countertops you can definitely get away with using some dish washing detergents. This is an easy way to get a good clean for your kitchen countertops without spending a lot of money.
Lemon juice is great for stains almost anywhere and you can apply it directly to the surface that you want to clean. Leave it on the product and then rinse it off with water after half an hour and you will end up with nice and clean surfaces and products just the way that you want them.
With these tips you should be able to get a clean home without spending a lot of money. So enjoy the effectiveness of these products without the costs that usually come along with cleaning products.

A Decent Domestic Cleaning Company – How Do You Choose It?

With so many home cleaning businesses to select from, how can you decide on a cleaning firm that offers honest, reliable, affordable cleaners and ironers? Are they insured? Do not just ask that question, but enquire exactly what the insurance covers. Does it encompass potential theft, key and lock replacement, damage to your property and personal injury to the cleaning lady? Many do not have theft insurance and you may wish to reconsider retaining a professional house cleaning service that does not provide this. These incidents are rare (and in the case of theft, extremely rare), but why expose yourself to the risk if you are hiring a cleaning company that is supposed to take the hassle and problems away from you in comparison to you finding a private cleaner or ironer yourself?
In relation to the price, some people are fixated on the absolute cheapest which is not really a good idea! Do they drive a Lada?! Unlikely! So, why should a domestic cleaner be the cheapest of the cheapest? In reality, if you pay peanuts, you will get monkeys, as the saying goes, so avoiding the absolute cheapest is a good idea. A cleaner paid the minimum wage by her novice employer who only wants to compete on the basis of (the lowest) price because he does not have any other skills is not a good idea. The cleaning lady will just be using this as a temporary option en route to a job paying a bit more, so the staff turnover will be horrendous. I would imagine you would prefer a stable, reliable cleaner, not a different person every month. On the other hand, some home help services could be considered really expensive, such as Molly Maid, often providing leased cars for their staff which you have to pay for! A price in the middle is probably the best option. Rates will also differ from area to area, depending on local labour costs, so for example Crawley, Croydon and Brighton are cheaper than Reigate, Redhill, Haywards Heath, Horsham and Burgess Hill.
Vetting a domestic worker is essential. She needs to have her proof of identification, address and right to work in the U.K. checked. It is best to have the same person every cleaning session, as some companies substitute different cleaners which would necessitate you explaining repeatedly what you require and also is a potential security risk having so many people in your house. Meeting the lady first is preferable, so that you can ensure you are comfortable with her. Beware of hidden extras in the price, such as vat.

How To Take Advantage Of Your Window Cleaner’s Service

You might have already considered them and by all means, hiring their services seems to be the most logical thing to do these days. Home owners who have houses that have many windows are a source of envy by most people who find owning such extravagant houses is just pure pleasure. And indeed it is; many businessmen and the rich and famous own these kind of homes and those who can afford insists only on having no less than 30 windows in the extravagant mansion. This is indeed a pleasant sight to the eye and no less than an engineering marvel at that, but a complete headache when it comes to cleaning.
A study was made about the amount of time an average person would take in order to clean a home with a minimum of twenty windows and even if he or she had some sophisticated cleaning equipments with them, since they didn’t have the right training still took an ample amount of time. Time that would be very valuable to an average professional or even a full time home maker as well that they could have spent on more productive activities. That’s why the next thing that many home owners do is to research and eventually hire a home cleaning service that specializes in cleaning home windows.
The only concern is, the first impression that home owners have with these professional cleaners is that they would send a huge bill for their services. This isn’t always the case, most of these cleaning services have reasonable prices and you can find it rather fair. But if you still need to “save on the budget” then taking advantage of their possible promos or offers can cut back some of the costs of getting your windows professionally cleaned.
Remember that getting your windows cleaned won’t be such a regular endeavor; most window cleaning services would state that a thorough clean on your house windows won’t need a follow thorough clean soon, maybe at least another month, depending on your house’s location. If your home is a favorite place for birds to hang out, then that is definitely a different story.
Most window cleaners in the UK give their promos when it is not peak season because many of these licensed cleaners can cater residential and commercial clients as well. Best practice is to find a date when many commercial establishments don’t have a high demand and then you schedule your appointment with a local cleaner of your choice. A good window cleaner in the UK offers certain promos once in a while to stay on top of their competition. Find out what promos they have at a particular month and try to take advantage of them and you’ll be surprised at the savings you can make.

Proper Window Cleaning

Each and every part of the house must be maintained clean yet there are parts of the house that are hard to clean such as the window. Yet, Window cleaning task can sure be done in a breeze if you know the right things and materials to use and the right methods to perform.
The first thing that you will need in cleaning the glass window is a cleaning solution. There are solutions that can be bought from the store but why buy and spend money if you have ingredients from the kitchen that you can mix together to produce your homemade cleaning solutions.
One window cleaner straight from the kitchen is combining together 3 tablespoons of vinegar and 2 cups of water with 1/2 teaspoon of dish-washing liquid. Another simple to make window cleaner is mixing together a gallon of water, 1/4 cup of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a squirt of liquid. A simpler recipe involves a solution of half cup vinegar with a gallon of warm water. These solutions need to be stored and placed in spray bottles.
Water is importantly needed in cleaning windows. Cold water may usually be used but not on days when it is cold. Cold water may freeze as soon as it is applied on the glass. Some window cleaners add vodka or rubbing alcohol to water so it does not easily freeze when put on cold windows. In cleaning windows, you don’t really need to use too much water. Yet it still depends on how dirty and how many windows need to be cleaned. During summer when it can really get so hot, water on glass window tends to dry up quickly. For this you need to squeegee it immediately. If the weather is extremely hot, just pass cleaning the window for the day as streaks may just result with the unavoidable drying of water.
After spraying the cleaning solution to the window, you can use rag or crumpled old newspaper to avoid formation of water streaks. It is suggested that a side of the window be cleaned in an up and down method, the other side must be cleaned in a side to side fashion. This way you can see which side has streaks that needs polishing.
The exterior or part of the window outside the house is easier to clean than the inside. This is due mainly to the fact that cleaning the inside part of the window, may be an awkward task to perform. Inside the house there are stuffs and furniture may get in your way and hinder you from cleaning the window properly. In fact there are ornaments and other decorations that are placed on the window sill like plant pot or window blinds that sometimes need to be removed to facilitate in window cleaning. Accidents do happen like knocking down of the water bucket. Outside, the water spilled from the bucket can just be allowed to dry but when the water is accidentally poured inside the house, it would mean more cleaning tasks.

Home Cleaning Tips on How to Clean Effectively

Making sure that your home is always as clean as possible can be quite a difficult task. In fact, several people often say that they do not have enough time in the day to get the necessities done, so how could they possibly find sufficient time to complete a thorough home cleaning?
Getting a home clean is extremely important. It helps to eliminate stress in other areas of your life. You will no longer have to worry about the dishes not getting done the night before, or become overwhelmed with laundry, if you can make a commitment to yourself to make sure that you always set a side at least fifteen to thirty minutes each day to pick up your home. On the weekends you can deep clean your home because chances are that you will have much more time. However, on the weekdays it is only necessary to pick up your belongings and do some of the basic home cleaning procedures. By getting your home clean, you will instantly experience a sense of calmness. Everything seems to go much smoother when it is in its proper place. You will no longer have to stress about what neighbours will think of your home when they come over. Instead, you can feel confident about your home, knowing that it reflects a good image of you and your family and puts you in the best light possible.
When it comes to home cleaning, you will want to start by dusting off all of your furniture. Nothing looks worse than dust all over a coffee table and television stand. If you can dust on a regular basis, you will instantly increase the overall quality and appearance of your home. You will also prevent sickness by dusting on a regular basis. The next home cleaning task is the vacuum cleaning and mopping. Whether you have carpet, tile, or wood, it is important that your floors are always clean. Take a moment and think of how dirty your floor must be. If you allow shoes in your home, your floors are most likely even dirtier. Even if carpets do not look dirty, chances are, they are actually extremely dirty. If you plan on carrying out a deep home cleaning, you have to make sure that you cover all areas from top to bottom.
Once you dust and clean the floors, you will want to make sure that you clean the bathrooms in your home. It is necessary for bathrooms to get deep cleaned at least once a week. In our bathrooms, there are several germs that are present. Make sure that you use an anti-bacterial cleaning product to clean the toilet, tub or shower, and sink. You will also want to use glass cleaner to clean the mirrors and any other glass around your home. Once you complete the bathroom, make sure you clean the kitchen sink. Researchers have shown that the kitchen sink can have thousands of viruses and bacteria growing in it if you do not clean it on a regular basis. Make sure that your cleaning product is strong enough to kill all germs to ensure that you and your family do not get sick.
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7 Tips For Women to Get Organized

Keeping a home clean and organized is a difficult thing to do nowadays. It sounds good in theory, but if you’re a busy career woman, wife and mother, your home may be the last thing on your mental to-do list. The following are seven easy tips to help you get your home clean and organized.
Keep a planner. Just saying “I need to do this,” is not enough. Get yourself a brand-new planner. Before you do anything, give it a special spot where you will keep it at all times. Keep it on your refrigerator door, put it by the kitchen phone, or keep it in your top drawer of your nightstand. In this special planner, write down little notes on a regular basis as you do your everyday chores and activities. If you’re the traveling kind of person, make sure that your planner is small enough to fit comfortably in your pocket. Today’s lives are hectic and unless a problem gets taken care of immediately, it’s very likely to be forgotten. So next time your husband tells you he can’t pick up Junior from his best friend’s birthday party two weeks from now because he has a business meeting, don’t just stash this information away in your forgettable mind. Write it down. Then, when that day arrives, you’ll open your planner and be reminded.
Review each day. After dinner, find about 10 minutes of alone time to sit down and think of all the things that need to be done. Think about today’s day. Is there anything that you’ve learned? Anything that you could’ve done better or can improve next time? Write down your thoughts in your planner as well as things that have to get done tomorrow so that you can be better prepared tomorrow. Many busy people find it very hard to fall asleep at night because they obsess with all the things that they didn’t get to do instead of sleeping. This 10-minute planning time will help you take off some of that stress and unwind.
Lose the all-or-nothing attitude. When it comes to chores, many people fail to multi-task. Instead, they get buried and possessed by a single task that takes away their entire day. It’s good to fully complete a task, but in a time where dozens of things need to get done, it may not be the best decision. If you have a big task that needs a whole day to do and you have to make dinner, do laundry and run errands (etc.) as well, make a plan to finish that task over a period of several days instead of one.
Make each day specific to a task. Make a list of things that you do on a weekly basis. Then, allocate each to a specific day. For example, since the weekend is usually the time for families to be together and the time to have guests over, make Friday your house cleaning day. Thursday is a great day for grocery shopping. You’ll avoid the Friday grocery store crowd and stock up your fridge just in time for the weekend. Monday is a great day to do laundry. Kid’s clothing can get quite dirty during their weekend play dates. Also, having done laundry on a Monday ensures that your family will have plenty of clean clothes for work and school during the rest of the week.
Pick one day per month for some serious devotion to your home. Pick one day each month during which you know you’ll be free from work and any chores. Use this day to do something special for your home. Organize your pantry, repaint the laundry room, clean all your bedding, curtains and cushions, or wash all your windows.
Get your family involved. Here’s a great opportunity to create long-lasting, loving bonds in your family. Get everyone involved with keeping your home in great shape. Sit down with your husband and come up with a serious agreement. The more directly you express your thoughts, the better your husband will understand how he can help. Remember, men are not as intuitive as women are, so make sure that he understands what each person’s responsibilities are. Small kids need to be taught from an early age. Of course, you can’t expect much from them, but as long as you make it fun and involve their imagination, they will learn discipline without even knowing it. Set up rewards for your kids and make sure to take breaks often and allow them to play.
Have a day off. Once a week, pick one day where you will completely forget all your chores. But, you must devote this time for yourself, otherwise it will be wasted time. Fill your tub with warm water and enjoy a luxurious bath, go to the library and check out a novel, do a crafts project or try to learn a new language. It doesn’t matter what it is – all that matters is that it makes you happy. Visit original article source.